
Showing posts from April 29, 2018

JRYC Annual General meeting.

                                                             On this April 30 th , 2018 members of JRYC – Rwanda side held a General Meeting to discuss many things. The main event of the meeting was the election of new committee to take over the responsibilities of the association for the 2018/2019 academic year. MUGISHA Alain Philemon, a year-three student in Applied Statistics, was voted JRYC Coordinato r. ISIMBI HonorĂ©, a year-two student in General Medicine, was voted JRYC Vice-Coordinator . UWASE Vanessa, a year-three student in Applied Statistics, was voted JRYC Secretary and Treasurer . UMUHOZA Florence (year-three, Applied Statistics), Eric MUGABO (year-two, General Medicine) and IGIRIMBABAZI Daniel (year-three, Botany and Conservation) were voted JRYC media officers , with the later leading the t...